We are blown away by the talented ladies that CSS and the Esthetician Connection are sponsoring for the upcoming Skin Games in Las Vegas! We want to show the world what these skilled professionals can do, so we will be featuring them on our blog individually. You may even recognize a few of these women from our #CSSTuesdayTips. Meet Kim Benton!
Passion and Positivity
Kim’s true passion is in helping people to transform their skin issues into positive radiance and self-confidence! She lets her clients know that they deserve to have healthy skin! Kim empowers her clients by setting them up for success with their home skin care regimens. She believes that healthy skin ultimately helps people in both professional and social situations.
Individualized Skin Care
Kim is sure to look at the individual needs of each client who comes through her door! She does not believe in just selling products or services. Kim’s passion is tailoring skin care to suit each individual client’s needs and giving them something they can keep up at home. She has a great relationship with several world-renowned plastic surgeons and dermatologists, and often receives referrals from them.

Down to Earth
Kim’s approach to skin care is extremely down-to-Earth, and attracts customers from nearby SKIN by Heller Plastic Surgery. She used to work with the Younique Surgery Center. Kim also works directly with doctors in office to support their patients. The referral system is a 2 way street.
They are able to come to Kim’s home-away-from-home, Priscilla’s Salon, in Valencia, CA. There, Kim custom-designs a skincare regimen for people with many different skin conditions.
Skin Games
Kim is competing in the Pigmentation category in the upcoming Skin Games. We cannot wait to see the difference in her models’ skin!
Here’s the BIG NEWS:
THE SKIN GAMES 2019 is just around the corner.
You can start casting your VOTE everyday for your favorite player in TSG 2019 PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD from 1st April, 2019 to 7th April, 2019.
- People can vote for players once in a day.
- Every player has a customized voting link that can be copied and sent to people for easy access to vote.
- A player can easily access his/her unique voting link by clicking on his/her name on the page and can share it to friends on social media platforms.
Is your favorite player in The Skin Games?
All you’ve got to do is vote for them once in a day as soon as voting commences.
On your marks. Get your keypads set. GAME ON!!!