Treating clients that want to look younger and who want to have even-toned skin can be a challenge. It takes a lot of experience to help these clients. Estheticians must have a strong knowledge base of the skin’s function and the skin’s pathologies. Estheticians must also have a strong understanding of the skincare brands they are using and how they can best treat these conditions.
One brand that works wonders on mature skin with hyperpigmentation is M.A.D. Skincare. M.A.D Skincare has a CORE 4 Philosophy that focuses on:
- Exfoliation
- Detoxification
- Oxygenation
- Collagen and Elastin Synthesis
All of the M.A.D Skincare protocols are based on this philosophy. Estheticians can impact their clients’ skin with M.A.D’s Core 4 Philosophy. Learn more on Facebook Messenger.
When estheticians combine the highly therapeutic professional treatment products with M.A.D’s effective home care, clients will see amazing results.
It all starts with the professional skincare treatment. The first in M.A.D’s CORE 4 is exfoliation. Learning how to strategically use the M.A.D professional strength peels is key.
Skincare Chemical Peel Layering System
What is M.A.D Layering? – M.A.D Layering is the application of 1 to 3 layers of different chemical peels or masks from different skin concern protocols.
Why should I layer? Layering gives you the opportunity to deliver a broader set of active ingredients during the exfoliation point or directly after with the treatment masks. The skin is at its best to absorb and utilize after a thorough cleansing and tone has been achieved.
M.A.D recommends layering chemical peels to treat a client for anti aging and hyperpigmentation. These recommendations were designed for maximum impact on clients who want the best results. Learn more on Facebook Messenger.
The following layers are suggested:
- Anti Aging: 30% Glycolic Peel
- Brightening: Radiant Brightening Peel
- Delicate: Delicate Skin Resurfacing Peel
Better Homecare With M.A.D Stacking
What is M.A.D Stacking? – The combining of 2 or more M.A.D treatment products from different skin concern categories during a single application. Learn more on Facebook Messenger.
Why should I M.A.D Stack? – Able to address multiple skin concerns in a single pass. Delivery of more active ingredients for an amplified effect giving the skin more active ingredients to benefit from. Visible benefits immediately following the facial. You can stack serums and moisturizers from the Anti-Aging and Brightening categories so that clients get maximum results.