As August rages on, it only gets hotter! We have finally reached the dog days of summer. You and your clients are still slathering on sunscreen and sunblock daily. Hopefully you got your clients using the right products at the beginning of the summer.
But what about the new clients, the ones that you didn’t see all summer?
These clients are going to need some help to improve their skin health for the last, and often the hottest, stretch of summer.
Help build your new relationships by conveying some of the simple things they can do at home. Make sure they are using:
- Scrubs in the shower to remove products and to exfoliate
- Aloe Vera or other products to calm the skin after too much sun exposure
- Mists which are moisture rich and hydrating
- After sun oils

Teach Them – School is only just starting
If they aren’t already doing these things, you can share your vast knowledge of proper skincare with these new clients. Share and explain to them the reasonable products that you have in stock.
Remember that the end of summer represents the beginning of college and high school sports. Your new clients can use help keeping themselves or their children healthy with all the sweaty pads, helmets, mouth guards, shin guards, etc. that this season entails. Don’t just look at your client as a single person, because they might be caring for others in addition to themselves. When you are prepared to help all facets of the individual, you build relationships.
Happy Clients Makes Easy Marketing
Clients are your best source of marketing, so building those strong relationships are key. Tailoring your products to your clients’ lives can have a huge impact. Even telling parents of teens or athletes about an acne treatment or clarifying pads with sheer peptide technology can leave an impression. Relationships are the cornerstone of what we do, so listen to your clients’ needs and your business will grow.