When you think of professional development, what comes to mind? How about when you think of networking? Developing ourselves professionally and networking can seem like a big challenge.
However, it is important to always be learning about our industry. We’ve talked before about surrounding yourself with positive people in a variety of posts. Because, this is crucial – going outside of your comfort zone helps you grow as a person and a business.
Network & Develop – even when it’s scary
Events with other spa professionals are chock-full of energetic, uplifting people! We recently sponsored the Arizona NASNPRO Conference for Salon and Spa Professionals. We had the opportunity to share several of our brands including: 2B Bio Beauty, ExPurtise NEW CBD Line, France Laure, Hip&Chick Organiks Bath and Body, LashesMD, M.A.D Skincare, Se-Brazil Wax, Shir-Organic. It was amazing!

Each year the National Aesthetic Spa Network (NASNPRO) puts on this amazing conference. We got to network with some wonderful people in our field. Remember, networking at industry specific events can help you improve your practice and stay on top of your game!
Professional Network
NASNPRO is a professional organization for estheticians, spa owners, therapists, and beauty professionals. Membership in a professional organization like this is important because it allows you to access educational opportunities and networking events. They put on events and conferences year-round, and all over the country.
Events like the one in Arizona this month is a great way to continue learning and networking. These are great opportunities to learn about new products while exchanging tips and tricks with other estheticians. Hearing other professionals speak about what they do can be informational and inspiring.
Opportunity Knocks
Have you ever considered joining an organization like NASNPRO? For those of you who are already members, it was great meeting you in Arizona. Thank you for stopping by our booth.

Membership in a professional organization such as this can offer you a wide variety opportunities. These can range from education to networking events plus vendor samples and much more!
Being surrounded by other professionals is an extremely uplifting experience. We are all there to support one another and learn from each other. We have found that attending conferences such as this have really helped us to stay on top of our game. This is a great way to grow your business and increase your knowledge!
Networking doesn’t stop when you go home.
For those of you out in Arizona that would like to have us come teach a class, please reach out to us. We would love to work with you, supporting your growth. We can work with classes of about 15 estheticians. So reach out to us either via email or one of our social channels.
Another way we can grow and network together is by adopting a new technology like chatbots. Try exploring how ours can help you stay up to date on your favorite products and education.
Clicking here you will continue the California Skincare Supply journey in Facebook Messenger. When FB Messenger opens, click the GET STARTED button and you’re in! Our chatbot can help you learn about a variety of our product lines and how to connect with us