Everything you need to know about the trending professional intimate skincare treatment called vajacials
Is intimate skincare the future of esthetics? If trending reports are any indication, the answer could be yes!
Estheticians, you might be missing out on a sizable revenue opportunity for your business!
Although professional vajacials have been around for well over a decade, they have become an increasingly popular esthetic service in recent years. In fact, search engine stats show that the term “vajacial near me” is searched many thousands of time each month.
Check it out in the screenshot below, and listen up estheticians. This means they are looking for you – in large numbers!
The numbers in the last column are the number of times that phrase was queried in Google each month. That’s about 10,000 times for just those queries and there are many more variations of it!
Even more exciting news is that there are even more queries looking for “vajacial + city name” as you can see in the following screen capture.
Thanks to our SEO, Kat of Kat & Mouse, Inc., for providing this data.
Did you get the importance of what we just showed you? There are thousands of searches each month in Google for vajacials in towns and cities across the United State like your own. Will your spa or salon come up in their search? If not, you're missing out!
So what is it about the vajacial that has skincare connoisseurs and professionals so excited? Read to learn about all about this trending treatment, plus our top tips for professionals and curious consumers.
First things first…what is a vajacial?
As you may already know or might have guessed, a vajacial is a professional skincare protocol for the bikini area that addresses the outside area surrounding the vagina, and mimics most of the steps of a facial protocol. A typical treatment can include deep cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, facial masks, and the application of serums and hydrators.
Additionally, as intimate skincare continues to see a surge in popularity, more uplevel and luxe options are being added to vajacial protocols, including gentle brightening peels, LED therapy, jelly masks, and even specially-designed sheet masks for pampering delicate skin.
What are the benefits of a professional vajacial?
A common question of most clients and consumers is: why skincare down there? The answer is that historically, the professional vajacial was developed as an aftercare add-on to hair removal procedures – including waxing, sugaring, shaving, and lasering – to reduce and prevent common post-treatment concerns including:
- Acne
- Clogged pores
- Dryness
- Discoloration
- Hyperpigmentation
- Ingrown hairs
- Irritation
- Inflamed skin
A professional vajacial can be performed immediately following waxing or sugaring, and about a week after shaving or laser services.
One more big benefit is that many estheticians report better overall results adding this treatment to their hair removal services, and that equates to more happy clients and more repeat business.
But isn’t an at-home vajacial just as good?
Think you’re ready to add the vajacial to your offerings? Before you get started, it’s a good idea to be aware of the common considerations and concerns surrounding intimate skincare.
A few dermatologists and gynecologists say that a vajacial may be an unnecessary or even risky procedure. Some cite concerns that estheticians may not be properly trained on the delicate balance of body chemistry critical to addressing the intimate zone. And others argue that an at-home cleansing and exfoliating treatment may be just as effective and an appropriate alternative to the professional vajacial.
As to the first concern, clients can rest assured knowing that the fundamentals of esthetics training includes extensive knowledge of the epidermal ecosystem, as well as the importance of supporting proper pH balance. A vajacial when performed by a licensed esthetician using the proper products, therefore, is perfectly safe and beneficial for most skin types.
And then what about the claim that at-home vajacials are just as effective? We have not tried at-home vajacial kits to compare efficacy with what’s available to professionals, but we could argue that if doctors are concerned about estheticians performing the procedure, then surely they would not recommend at-home vajacials done by individuals with no training whatsoever and using inferior products.
Is certification required to give vajacials?
We do strongly believe that attempting to perform intimate skincare without professional knowledge and skill, or without the appropriate products made for the intimate areas, could be harmful. Done wrong, irritation, injury, or damage can occur to the skin. Unlike other areas, the intimate areas (and this even includes the underarms) have a direct pathway to the bloodstream. Special products have been developed to address the concerns of these sensitive areas, and should be used.
And while additional certification is not required for estheticians to perform vajacials, it is highly recommended that industry professionals looking to offer this service attend specialized training in order to learn about the proper products and procedures. You will also want to be aware of any contraindications that may apply to your chosen protocol, including menstruation, lactation or pregnancy. Proper training addresses these issues as well.
A few important pointers for estheticians who plan to offer vajacials
If you watched the video above, then you know consumers are looking for professional vajacial services, and there’s a good chance there may be a lot of competition. So how do you stand out and get the appointment?
Tip #1: Become the local expert who has had the continuing education in vajacials
Whether you are new to offering intimate skincare or already have an established client base, one key to providing the best professional vajacial is to regularly attend classes or trainings in order to stay current on the newest trends and best practices. Advanced education is not only a good way to expand your esthetics knowledge-base, but also a great opportunity to establish yourself as an expert and build more credibility with your clients.
Licensed skin care professionals who have been specially trained to perform vajacials, then, should list any continuing education credentials on their website or social media, along with client reviews and testimonials. They should also make themselves readily available to answer any questions clients may have about the service and their qualifications.
Pro Pick: Online Vajacial Training
For creating your perfect vajacial protocol in 2022, and learning about the latest innovations in intimate skincare, California Skincare Supply offers specialized vajacial training.
Tip #2: Choose and use the right products
Because the skin of the intimate area is uniquely delicate, treating it with the correct products is essential to curating a safe and effective service. Professional vajacial providers will want to have a go-to tool kit of gentle, specially-formulated products that prevent unhealthy bacteria, support pH balance and promote optimal hydration levels. A few favorite products for getting started include:

Intimate Heart Sheet Masque by Prana Spaceuticals
Cooling, calming, hydrating, and cute to boot! These petite heart-shaped sheet masques are specially-formulated for the intimate area and make the perfect upgrade following waxing, vajacials or intimate brightening services. This masque is infused with Dermal Sensory Correction to minimize inflammation and allow for barrier protection. Provides visibly smoother and brighter skin while preventing dehydration. Perfect for after waxing services.

Professional Vajacial "Intimate V" Collection Kit
All the perfect products for a luxe professional vajacial protocol in one complete package. This kit has everything you need to wow your clients, including: 16 oz. Hoo Haa Cleanser, 8 oz. Pearly Peach Polish, 16 oz. Peach Enzyme Cream Masque, 16 oz. Buff Solution, 2 oz. AHA/BHA Masque, 16 oz. Cool Aid Calming Masque, 8 Heart Sheet Masques and a 4 oz. Prickly Milk Serum.

Intimate Bikini Brite Peel System by Prana Spaceuticals
Everything you need for a safe and effective intimate brightening treatment. This kit includes: 2 oz. Bikini Brite Peel, 4 oz. Lactic Acid Peel, Intimate Cleansing Solution, 3.4 oz. Hoo Haa Cleanser, and a 2 oz. AHA/BHA Masque.
Tip #3: Market smart to attract your ideal client
Another important consideration for adding vajacial services is how to best introduce them to your customers. Although you should never be shy about promoting your business, talking about intimate skincare can pose a unique marketing challenge.
Depending on your audience, you may feel comfortable giving your services clever names and incorporating euphemisms into your promotional posts.
For a great example, check out what’s on the Vajacial menu at Bare Necessities in Houston:
- “Bare Bottom Bikini Facial” – treating problematic skin issues on the gluteal area
- “Brightening Bikini Facial” – addressing hyperpigmentation & ingrown hairs
- “Calming Bikini Facial” – post-wax treatment to reduce inflammation and redness
- “Inflammation Bikini Facial” – calming irritated skin with soothing properties
- “Microderm Bikini Facial” – resurfaces and reduces unsightly bumps and pigmentation
- “Salicylic Bikini Facial” – addresses acne in the bikini area
- “Lighten Up Bikini Facial” – evens out dark spots or scarring in the bikini area
On the other hand, if your audience is more mature or conservative you may want to stick to selling the practical benefits of the vajacial as a luxury, results-based, upgrade to enhance hair removal services.
Check out how The Skin Connect does it:
- “The Classic” for hydration and illumination
- “V-llumenating Treatment” for lightening and brightening the bikini area.
Another idea might be to partner with a local electrologist or a non-competing spa that offers waxing services if you don’t. This way, you can easily cross-promote your services. Create and print a Vajacial menu card for your “partner” business to hand to their clients after their treatment.
P.S. While sharing pics or demo videos from inside the treatment room can be a great business builder, always ask client permission before taking or posting their images. Also be sure to read up on any community guidelines for the platform you are using. Despite how tastefully covered your clients may be, most social media sites have strict rules about nudity that you’ll want to be aware of. Getting your account flagged, suspended, or banned could be detrimental to business, so be sure to double check the rules before you hit post.
Tip #4: Promote an atmosphere of professionalism and trust
As with any esthetic treatment, creating a safe, comfortable, and professional space is a must. This is especially true when performing hair removal and vajacial services, as clients need to be able to trust you with caring for their most intimate areas. For providing the ideal environment, you’ll want to ensure that your treatment room is quiet, cozy, completely private, and immaculately clean.
Also remember that as an esthetician you likely already possess a number of pertinent professional skills including the ability to provide discreet, non-judgemental and body positive service to your clients. By simply being present and exuding expert confidence with your clients, you’ll help them relax and enjoy all the benefits of your new service.
Well there you have it. Hopefully, you’ll take advantage of the popularity of vajacials happening right now and add them to your service menu. Don’t forget to sign up for our training!
P.S. Have a vajacial trick to share or want to swap insider tips with other beauty business pros? Join the CSS community! It’s a great way to connect, as well as learn about upcoming industry trainings and all things professional skincare.